First Name Last Name Email Phone Qualifications Current level at profession: GP RegistrarHospital RMOMember of the CollegeFellow of the CollegeAssociate ProfessorProfessor Year in Training: RMO Year: In which country do you currently hold full registration with the medical board? In which country/countries would you like to explore working exposure? (You may select more than one): IrelandUnited KingdomAustraliaNew ZealandOther: What type of employment would you like to consider? (You may select more than one): Short term employment: 6-12 monthsMid-term employment:1- 2 yearsLong term employment: 2 or more yearsPermanent employmentAny of the aboveOther: How soon would you be looking to start if a suitable match was found for you?ImmediatelyWithin 3 monthWithin 6 monthsOther: Do you have a preference for city or country?CityCountryEither would be fine Preferred area of work: ED Dept at a HospitalGP PracticeHospital Medical officerOther specialty: Other comment: